Surf Simply Podcast36 - Judgebots

Recorded on Monday November 14th, with Harry Knight, Ru Hill, Asher King, and Will Forster
Harry accused Ru of an Andy Zaltzman style gag. Will and Asher have been surfing the small waves on offer over the last week, while Harry has been flying the drone over beaches full of Turtles
We started this episode with a quick follow-up on Ru's Piece from Episode 35pt2 when he spoke about wildlife populations declining. The same article was picked up by the BBC show More or Less, and they had some interesting statistical insights we thought you might enjoy.
FIrst up in the news was the continued negotiations between Quiksilver and the Akaiu Family regarding the future of the Eddie Akaiu big wave contest.
We also spoke about N-Land Surf Park closing for maintenance, and the collaboration between Hurley and Chevrolet to make the perfect surf Truck. Harry mentioned his battery powerd shower as a solution to Ru sticking his mum in trunk.

In contest news, Mason Ho won the HIC Pro at Sunset Beach, and the UK Pro Tour held a contest at the Surf Snowdonia Park in Wales.
Finally in the news, the nominations are out for the Surfer Poll video categories including Best Short, Best Web Series and Best Documentary.
Asher spoke to us about the Big Wave World Tour Pe'ahi Challenge that took place last week, and was won by Billy Kemper and Paige Alms.
We spoke about the women's event and the numerous knee injuries that happened. Asher mentioned a study from UC Denver that gave some suggestions as to what might have caused them.
Ru spoke to us on the problems of the subjective nature of how surfing is judged, and gave us some ideas for how that could be improved.
He mentioned our friends at Trace and their ability to quantify certain aspects of surfing, and Asher brought up Gabriel Medina's air at Pipeline last year.
Will spoke to us about the ongoing problems of the artificial surf reef in Bournemouth, England.

Ru mentioned the New Zealand based company ASR who built the reef, and Will mentioned their other projects at Mt. Moganui and India, and Harry mentioned the reef at Narrowneck.
Will also spoke about the news that Surf Snowdonia have released their numbers for last year, and Harry mentioned this talk by Shaun Tomson from the Surf Park Summit conference a few years ago.
Harry suggested that you can send us your questions and comments as audio files by recording on your phone.
We also had a book recommendation from Garry Hoover, who suggested that anyone who found our piece on Wildlife populations interesting might also enjoy “The Third Chimpanzee” by Jared Diamond.
Will enjoyed what is probably the best pro surfer interview ever from Sabre Norris who was recently given a wildcard into a women's WQS 6000 event.
Asher recommended watching Kai Lenny towing at Jaws after the contest.
Ru recommended checking out Chris Grow's breakdown of the different Firewire Technology.
Harry finished off by recommending the Progression Project from Erik at the Paddle Woo Podcast.
That's all for this episode folks, email us at or you can reach the guys on their Twitter Handles @hjmknight, @king__asher, @surfingsimply and @willandthewater