Your first day surfingThe Surf Simply coaches have given over 20,000 people their first surfing experience. 

Some people are supremely confident in the waves, while other people are intimidated by just being in the ocean environment but everyone, without exception, thoroughly enjoys their first-day surfing. Below is what your first day with us will be like if you have never surfed before.

During your first session you will never be out of your depth and everything will first be explained to you clearly in small, confidence building, bite sized sections. Towards the end of your stay with us you will have the chance to push yourself but that only happens later on and if you decide that you would like to.

30 minutes before you go down to the beach, you will be introduced to your coach at the resort so that you can ask any questions and have the opportunity to get anything you want from your room to take with you.

Surf Simply technical surf coaching resort

Once at the beach your session will be broken down into sections involving 5 minutes on the sand, explaining each new skill, followed by 20 minutes in the water practising it.

You will not be thrown in the deep end literally or metaphorically and whether you are a natural athlete or not, you will neither be the best or the worst person that we have coached, so you can relax, let us walk you through everything and simply enjoy the never ending process of learning.

Surf Simply technical surf coaching resort

Unlike traditional lessons the emphasis at Surf Simply is not on standing up although this is one of many things that you will learn during your stay. Instead we will first teach you how to be self sufficient in the water: selecting and catching waves.

We will then show you how to surf the wave by moving your weight, while still laying down, in order to carve turns and accelerate. After 90 minutes we will return to the resort for a smoothie, where you will learn about the functional stance through video, demonstration and practise in front of the mirror.

Surf Simply technical surf coaching resort

The reason you will learn to stand is so that you can move your weight around on the board more quickly and powerfully. This allows you to manoeuvre the board better.

Standing up is not the end goal. There is a lot more fun to be had than that.

In the afternoon you will have a chance to practise your functional stance back in the friendly and forgiving white water. Your first day of surfing will finish with a summary of the skills which will be covered during the upcoming week, as well as what they will lead on to and that’s where the fun starts…

Surf Simply technical surf coaching resort