more about NosaraNosara and Playa Guiones. Surf Simply's home.

When people refer to Nosara, they usually actually mean Playa Guiones (usually pronounced gee-on-es). Nosara is actually a small town about 10 minutes inland. Guiones is a 7km sandy beach with year round surf, bordered by jungle with a handful of small hotels, restaurants and homes which The Lonely Planet describes as “sophisticated jungle living”.

Costa Rica is uniquely positioned to receive both north and south swells, without ever being too close to the unpleasant weather systems which create the waves we love. That means optimum surf conditions through both summer and winter as well as year-round 80-degree water. Playa Guiones adds to the equation by being a gently shelving beach which means a fun but forgiving wave which is safe at all sizes and free from natural hazards.

You can stroll 1 minute through the trees from Surf Simply and either step out onto the beautiful jungle-lined beach or you stumble upon all kinds of cool little shops, cafes and restaurants without ever feeling like you’re leaving the jungle. The locals and foreigners that have moved here are all a pretty friendly bunch but it’s not just about the people and jungle there lots more to do here too, click here to read more.