Surf Simply MagazineFootprints On The Water 

-Words by Kim Feldmann, images by Kelly O'Toole, Carly Maker
surfer in the barrel at puerto escondido, mexico, with a photographer on the beach in the foreground


-Words by Kim Feldmann, images by Mat Arney
empty waves at jeffreys bay, south africa

Blue Carbon: A Climate Solution Beneath Our Surfboards? 

-Words by Mat Arney, images by Surf Simply, Mat Arney, Ian Finch, Dan Mullins, Callum Morse
aerial view of surfers in the line-up at surf simply, playa guiones, costa rica

Catch Them Early: The Role of Family Support for Girls in Action Sports 

-Words by Kim Feldmann, images by Surf Simply, Liam Mitchell, Jasper Da Seymour, Mat Arney & film by Menzies Institute for Medical Research
surfer jessie carnes performing a cutback

Designing For The Destination 

-Words by Kim Feldmann, images by John Fache
concept sketches for a surfboard storage and surf check structure by john fache

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger 

-Words by Kim Feldmann, images by Marine Jaud, Mat Arney
stephanie gilmore competing at surf ranch

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