Surf Simply NewsThe Innocent Surf Resort’s First Week
We finally synced our years of surf coaching, hotel managing and restaurateuring and sprinkled over it a light topping of Becky’s amazing logistical skills to open the doors to Innocent Surf School’s brand new surf coaching resort in Nosara. Our first group of guests, Barbara, Janette, Laura, Georgina, Chris and Rob made our debut week a lot of fun. We luv ya guys! Hope we’ll see ya again.

A spot of breakfast by the pool.

Then down to the board room to select the morning’s equipment.

Janette gets a big one.

Janette and Rob chilling by the pool.

Harry, Barbara, Laura & Rob contemplate their first attempt at paddling out the back.

Rob, Chris and Barbara

Sam and Chris after the big day and Chris’s wipeout of the week.

Barbara big drop.

Ru breaks out the camera for a video analysis session.

Harry teaching on the sand.

Rob gets chased down by a big set.

Sambo – still frothing!

Janette, Laura, Barbara, Georgina get dressed up for the evening.

Laura talks surf tech with Al.

The daily schedule goes up on the blackboard every morning. It’s a tough life as you can see.

Dinner over looking the beach, river, jungle and mountains. Not a bad way to top off the day.