Surf culture, Surf MoviesThe 2015 San Diego Surf Film Festival

Surf movies deserve to be seen on a screen larger than that of your computer or tablet, and the growing popularity of international surf film festivals is proof in point. The fourth annual San Diego Surf Film Festival is happening from May 20–23 this year at the Sherwood Auditorium at the Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, a larger venue than last year’s that can accommodate the growing popularity of the festival. For 2015 the festival will be showcasing eight international feature films and 16 short films with some California, San Diego and World premieres amongst them.

But the excitement extends beyond the auditorium this year, with an exhibition of works by resident artist Andy Davis, a presentation by photographer Chris Burkard, a tribute to late surf cinematographer Sonny Miller, a VIP party at Green Flash Brewing Co., a beach cleanup by H2O Trash Patrol and various filmmaker panels and Q&A sessions happening throughout the festival.

Photographer Chris Burkard will be presenting his work at this year’s festival.
“Since the festival’s inception, we have been anchored towards celebrating those who draw a different line in life. Much like the colorful characters of surfing’s past, the future of surf cinema will also be found in the underground,” said Pierce Kavanagh, Festival Co-Creator and Director. “We champion the independent filmmaker and their quest to capture and convey the very special feeling of being a surfer. And with this in mind, we continue to present the finest independent surf films from around the globe. Every year we work diligently to create a festival that visiting filmmakers are proud to be a part of and that the San Diego surfing community can claim as its very own, and this year is set to be better than ever.”

Into The Sea, one of this year’s feature films, follows Irish surfer Easkey Britton as she travels to Iran to encourage the development of surf culture amongst the country’s females.
If you’re in or around San Diego this May, then further information and tickets are available from
SDSFF 2015 Feature Film Line-up:
Behind the Tide
Into the Sea
Ocean Driven
Oney Anwar: Chasing the Dream
Strange Rumblings in Shangra La
RICO – 60 years of Rico de Souza and surfing in Brazil