Surf Coaching, Surf Simply Satellite Coaching ProjectsSurf Simply Coaching Week at Dubai Wave Pool Announced!

We’ve just re posted this article written by Surf Simply coach, Harry, as we can now excitedly confirm that we will be running a week of coaching this September at the Dubai wave pool featured below. The week will only be open to former guests of our resort in Costa Rica as a foundation knowledge level will be required. Drop us a line if you’re interested on…
Learning anything can become frustrating at times, but with all the variables involved, surfing can sometimes be tough. A few months ago, Sally Fitzgibbons, currently ranked #2 in the world, set out to learn a new skill with hopes of taking the world title in 2013. She spent 3 days in a wave pool with her coach trying to master an Air Reverse.
The wave pool gave her the perfect platform; waves on demand, a perfect air section on every wave, video feedback from her coach in the water and no crowds hustling for the sets.
So wave after wave she tried, and on wave after wave she fell. After hundreds of attempts, the frustration boiled over into tears; all that effort and no result. But after a little pep talk she went back out… and nailed it!

Each week at Surf Simply, our guests work with their coaches on new skills and techniques, everything from standing up, to surfing down-the-line, to performing carving turns on the open face of a wave. And at some point everyone hits a moment of frustration when, for one reason or another, their body won’t do what their brain wants it to. Some swear and curse, some punch the water, and some, like Sally, may release a tear or two. But, like Sally, it is all forgotten in that moment when everything clicks, and that impossible target is achieved.

Our aim with our coaching is not to teach you to surf in a week, but to teach you how to teach yourself, so that when you leave, you can carry on pushing through those frustrating plateaus, and move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. So next time you feel frustrated in the surf, remember the company you keep, and maybe one day it’ll be you chasing the world title!