Surf Simply NewsProudly Presenting…

The building work we’ve been doing to make a pool, lounge, eating area and classroom at the Innocent Surf School resort in Nosara is finally finished. We pleased as punch with it as you can imagine.

An ariel view of the chalets, pool and rancho.

We had to take a break from the unpacking and organizing for an emergency game of jenga (as you do).

This is the new classroom area where we’ll be doing all our surf theory lessons and video analysis. This is the beating heart of surfing academia. (Nice sentence!?!)

The inside of the surf chalets isn’t looking too shabby either.

The new golf cart eagerly awaits the opportunity to ferry frothing surfers to the water’s edge.

We christened the new rancho on Saturday night with a magical combination of pizza, imperial, cards and jumping in the pool.