Surf CoachingPeer Review
We’re big fans of science here at Surf Simply. This usually leads us to focusing on the insurmountable problem of controlling the variables when coaching but there are other aspects to our skeptical approach too. Looking at the plausibility of mechanisms and gathering data are key as is introducing the process of peer review.
A few weeks ago this took the form of head coach Oli Davies spending a rather relaxing week in the role of student. Senior coach, Harry Knight coached Oli all week alongside one of our more advanced guests. They worked on technique in the water but also it allowed Oli to gain an insight into what its like to be a Surf Simply guest. Here’s what Oli made of the week…

“We started off with some real basics, things that most higher level surfers would never think of regressing back to. I usually ride a 5’11 short board but bright and early on the first day I’m out on a bigger 8’2 board with firm instructions from Harry to focus on some very simple things. The 8’2 slowed everything down and that allowed me to make clear, deliberate changes to my surfing”.
Harry films while Oli concentrates on stance, foot placement, and shoulder rotation. As the week progresses they focus on basic turns, improving cutbacks and going for new maneuvers.

“Now I’m back on my shortboard but something is different. Turns are tighter, stance is altered to make the board feel more responsive and I’m pushing myself to try new maneuvers. The week surpassed my expectations by a long way, but it was also humbling and at times frustrating. There’s nothing that will knock your ego like somebody pointing out your mistakes on video, yet there is no sweeter reward than perfecting a maneuver you’ve been working on for months!”