PeopleFriends For Life

During their stay with us, people often ask “Does everyone get on with each other as well as we have this week?” Surprisingly the answer is yes. I guess the way the website is worded appeals to a certain kind of person. Our guests tend to be pretty smart and interested in stretching themselves a little both mentally and physically during their vacation.
Last week was pretty special though. I think the group who stayed here will be friends for life. I’ve never seen a group of people enjoy each other’s company so much. Topics of conversation were eclectic and profound. Affectionate arguments would erupt only to be replaced by peals of laughter moments later.

We were sorry that Steve (above with new Surf Simply coach Kerianne) had to leave mid week. He was missed over the last couple of days as the new old friends took on some of their best waves of the week.

Christy and Brad (above) are both talented writers and have penned their experiences with us in their own words on their own blogs. Christy’s blog is at Christy Mommsen and you can read Brad’s blog at Being Brad. Both are refreshingly honest and sometimes laugh out loud funny.

We were so impressed with Maddox too. Christy modestly mentions in her blog how she felt intimidated, not only by the ten year old’s surfing ability but also by his conversational skills. His Dad Roger (top photo) nearly managed to get inside a barrel on one right hander too.

It always fun working with experienced surfers which we now do on a weekly basis. They don’t come much more experienced than Rob who started surfing in 1962 but still flattered us that he went away having learned a lot.

We also want to pass on a big thank you to everyone on behalf of the Surfing Nosara Foundation for bringing over so much stuff for the local schools, who always are short of funds and need more school supplies.
It was so cool to get to hang out with a bunch of people who were all so genuinely interested in each other and the world around them. A rare and beautiful thing. Thank you to Roger, Maddox, Brad, Christy, Rob, Steve C, Steve B (who had battled through a kidney transplant to be with us) Damien (who took a break from racing cars to put his analytical mind to a new sport) and of course the beautiful and elegant Oriana who managed to make even wiping out look graceful. It was thoroughly enjoyable week and we’ll miss you all.