FamiliesFamily Week at Surf Simply

As a rule Surf Simply guests need to be over 16 however if you rent out the whole resort all to yourself then you can bring kids of any age. That’s what three families teamed up to do last week and the movie which Laura, our videographer made, will bring a lump to the throat of even the most hard hearted.
Below: Andrew Greeley and his son, Drew sharing a sessions together on their last day. Drew was photographed by Laura from the beach and I got the image of dad, Andrew with the GoPro from the water.

It’s always amazing to see how surfing bridges the generation gap. The ocean doesn’t care how old you are, it just sends waves and challenges. Everyone is in it together on a level playing field. It’s cool to see the moments which that creates and how it brings people together. The surfing I have done with my mum and my sister has been among the most memorable sessions of my life and special moments that I have shared with them as people too.
– Rupert Hill, Owner at Surf Simply