People, Surf Coaching, Surf Simply MoviesA Willingness to Wipeout

Sambo (above left) stepped up to the editing plate again this week to produce another classic Surf Simply movie. Ian, Camilla, Michelle, Andre (above right) and Zsolt stayed with us a few weeks ago and it was a blast. Michelle and Zsolt ended up staying for two weeks and Camilla is still here doing her yoga teacher training at the Nosara Yoga Institute next door.
My favorite bits of the movie are Michelle’s sunset session with the GoPro camera at the end, Andre’s massive take offs and Ian’s first ever unbroken wave (you can’t beat the first time). I hope we’ll see you guys again and don’t forget to tell us about your future surfing exploits. We’re always stoked to get emails and photos from Surf Simply guests showing us the surfing they’ve done since staying with us. As a coach there’s nothing better.

Having a willingness to wipeout and not be too “precious” with your waves is one of the most import lessons to learn in surfing. It means that ultimately you progress a lot quicker and up enjoying the sport all the more as the years tick by. We, the Surf Simply team, secretly prefer a good wipeout photo to a shot of a great wave. There’s simply more entertainment value in it (just look at Ru’s Facebook profile pic). This week we managed to get some of our favorite all time wipeouts on camera and may we tip our collective hats and offer much kudos to all the protagonists.

Most good surfers wipe out on more waves than not, because they’re trying to do something new. That’s where the fun is in surfing. So a wipeout isn’t a fail, just as standing up and riding a wave isn’t necessarily a success. I think it was Rudyard Kipling who said that you need to “meet success and failure and treat both imposters just the same.” Good one Ruyard (he must have been a heavy shredder).

If you’ve put in the preparation and planning, you may wipeout over and over but eventually it will all come together. It’s only a matter on time.

Zsolt and Ian – putting it all together.

(This blog was sponsored by the cheap flights website.)