May is always a quiet month in Nosara. Sunny days and perfect waves are punctuated by dramatic lightning storms and the first rains of the year which see the arid jungle burst into a palette of lushious greens.
Marilyn, the physio to the Canadian Olympic snowboarding team was taking an extended break from Whistler and we were so stoked when, at the end of her first week with us, she decided to stay on for another two. She was joined by Kaitlin and Jess, two very funny and sharp PHD researchers who were figuring out between them the role Vitamin A plays in the the development of various vaccines as well as in the treatment of leukaemia. And as if the collective IQ for the week wasn’t quite enough, we were also joined by Carlos whose amazing work in genetics and breast cancer treatments among other things, was completely beyond the capacity of my simple surf oriented intellect.

Apparently there’s already emails flying around with talk of a reunion trip which I hope comes together. We rate scientists slightly above surfers on the personal hero scale, so it would be very cool to get to hang out with them all again.