Surf Simply Podcast63 - How To Build A Surf Simply 

Uploaded on Wednesday 17th October, 2018


This is a pre-recorded episode to fill the gap while we're all away on our vacations. We'll be back with a full episode in a few weeks.

INTERVIEW: Surf Simply's Founder and CEO, Ru Hill, interviewed by People & Company.

This is a recording of a conversation between podcast regular Ru Hill, and our good friends Kai Sotto, Bailey Richardson and Kevin Huynh from People & Company. It was recorded as part of research for a series of articles they were writing, but they were kind enough to give us permission to broadcast the original.

Surf Simply technical surf coaching resort, Guiones, Nosara, Costa Rica

The conversation ranged around the history of Surf Simply as a company, some of the lessons we've learnt along the way, and the systems we've implemented over the years to make Surf Simply the company it is today.

That's all for this episode folks, email us at